What does fall from grace mean
What does fall from grace mean

So, what gives? And what does it all mean for us-if anything? Meanwhile, Amazon’s value continues to grow, while Apple and MSFT remain strongly in the game…defying the analysts who should be hanging their heads in shame instead of wagging on with excuses. In my cynical view, that just shows how overvalued they are…a loss like that is immaterial to any of their lifestyles or their view of future value knowing their investors as they do. Meta, you can run but you can’t hide… lost $230 Billion in value in one day…now I get that’s a hard number to visualize, especially given the money that our Billionaire Celebrities spend on space flight and personal training…so to put it in perspective, inflation and time shift adjusted, it's equal to the Black Tuesday wipe-out of October, 1929 when our entire economy went down the tubes and newly destitute financial types hurled themselves from windows on Wall Street.

what does fall from grace mean

How could I not start the week by commenting on the recent fall from grace and valuation of Meta (formerly Prince…Oh sorry, wrong narrative), the “Parent Company” of Facebook? And in my view, cynical as it may be, the possible foreshadowing for other so-called Tech Giants and their future?

What does fall from grace mean